R&B has a rich historical background. Through the 1940s, R&B originated from Jazz by African Americans. Now R&B has found it infused in most songs you listen to today. But how can you know what it is and how it’s evolved if you don’t know the steps it’s taken to get there?

Learning about R&B is extremely important because of how much of an impact it has had on us from a cultural standpoint and a commercial standpoint “Rhythm and blues” is R&B. In the 1940s, this term replaced “race music”. This term was used as a marking tool for African American music. This also only refers to music that is secular and not religious. Before the 1940s, in the 1920s and 1930s, there was jazz and blues that are referred to as the roots of R&B music. As it started to change with instruments such as electric guitars, piano and the saxophone.

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Culturally, R&B has had a big impact on the world. It helped spread the culture of African Americans. It helped push racial integration in the 1960s on the radio. It was also the background music of the civil rights movement. Sam Cooke’ song “A Change is Going to Come” and Marvin Gaye’ “What’s Going On” and James Brown's, “Say it Loud- I’m Black, and I’m Proud” parallel the civil rights movement.

 Music like this and other pioneers helped be a source of a community and resistance to the struggles during those times. R&B also helps people interact with each other through different backgrounds and cultures that would have been closed off from before. R&B has also been able to influence other genres of music. Pop is the biggest example.  

This type of music is also relatable to listeners. This is because R&B talks about love, heartbreak, friendship and family. Now R&B is also known for its melodies that get stuck in your head because of its catchy lyrics. R&B can also motivate you to dance. With all this in mind, R&B has come a long way. The present of R&B is just as important as its past.

Knowing where R&B came from can help you know its significance and why you should care. Our blog is there to help you travel through time and see how R&B is not just music, it’s a lifestyle. We also added to our blog resources so you can make music for yourself if you want to go that route. We also try to predict what R&B is coming to.  We hope you enjoy yourself and keep on learning!