Although R&B has been here since the 1940s, it has been sharing the surrounding culture. What started out as a derived form of jazz is now being played everywhere from supermarkets to waiting rooms. What started out as a form of protest about not being silent, is now a movement to keep going until you can't anymore. R&B has influenced cultural and social change in America.

By its roots, it is considered a complex art form that mirrors society. It shows how we are changing as people and as a nation. The first thing R&B did was help spread the culture of African Americans. As using music to help them gain a voice. Their experiences could be available to help understand the deeper issues and, in return, help with racial integration. R&B is at the forefront of the movement of African Americans to show raw emotions that are more than likely suppressed by people in power. In gaining a voice, people get to understand the environments of someone different from them, so people can see the concerns and the cultural pride African Americans have.

hollywood's best known star walk, a symbol of cultural achievement and prowess with tyler perry's star at the front.

It can be seen as a cultural exchange or even to show up what the past had to endure. R&B has helped shape America into the melting pot it is. But as it evolves, it shows the fight in culture is not over yet.  As expressed before, R & B's main points are to bring social change. In being social change, it seeps into the culture that has helped many urban voices to be silent.

This culture of R&B has changed the landscape of race relations in America.  With pressure mounting in unified voices, the idea of being silent is a thing of the past. Through R&B, the migration of African Americans to the Midwest and Northeast helped deeply influence the world and set people to see a different culture they were unaware of. R&B helped ease this as time went on. Also, on the side of the civil rights movement, R&B thrived because it was able to spread the pain people have felt for such a long time. 

Our blog is called Onto the Culture. This is because culture and R&B go hand in hand. Culture is deeply important in terms of R&B. It helped show voices who would have been silenced, spread the pride of a culture that would have been whipped away and helped shape a culture of pure emotions. In reading our post about culture we hope you understand how R&B in a cultural form is just as important in a musical form. We hope you enjoy how R&B is shaping the world.